Bye London. See you soon friends…

En la última jornada de esta apasionante estancia en el Reino Unido, el claustro del colegio londinense ha preparado varias actividades.

Nuestros estudiantes han comenzado la mañana compartiendo una clase de matemáticas con sus compañeros ingleses en la que, por grupos, han resuelto diversos problemas planteados por la profesora. A continuación, han realizado juegos musicales usando algunos instrumentos en compañía de la docente especialista en la materia.

Como despedida, han visualizado un documental en el que han conocido de cerca la historia de la pedagoga francesa Jeannine Manuel que da nombre a la escuela. Esta, tras verse obligada a partir en exilio en la Segunda Guerra Mundial y formar parte de la Resistencia, consiguió materializar un exitoso proyecto educativo internacional basado en el aprendizaje de lenguas, el intercambio cultural y la enseñanza en valores de paz y convivencia. Después de compartir la comida con sus compañeros de intercambio, entre risas y lágrimas, se han despedido muy emotivamente de ellos.

Una vez finalizada esta gratificante experiencia podemos asegurar que el intercambio lingüístico nos ha aportado tanto que no ahorraremos esfuerzos por corresponder con gratitud a los estudiantes y las familias de Londres que, en unos meses, nos visitarán el Colegio San Juan y San Pablo. Thank you very much for everything!


For the last day of our amazing visit to the UK, the staff at the school in London prepared various activities.

Our students started the morning by going to a Maths class with their English partners where they participated in a Maths challenge in small groups. Following this, they had a Music class where they had to compose short pieces related to different animals.

Just before we left, we were lucky enough to watch a documentary which explained the story behind the French pedagogue Jeannine Manuel, the founder of their group of schools. She was an evacuee in the Second World War and formed part of the French resistance. As well as this, she managed to create a successful educational project based on language learning, cultural exchange and teaching people the values of peace and respect for others. After sharing a meal with their English hosts, it was time to say goodbye which was very emotional for all involved.

Now that the exchange has come to an end, we can say for certain that this linguistic exchange has been so beneficial and successful, that words cannot express how grateful we are to the students and families in London who, in several months, will visit us at San Juan y San Pablo School. Thank you very much for everything!