Hoy el día empezaba con una ponencia sobre el sistema educativo turco. Han explicado los dos sistemas con los que cuentan (formal y no formal) y los objetivos de cada etapa educativa. A continuación, hemos podido disfrutar de varias danzas típicas de la zona y ponerlas en práctica junto a los niños.
Por la tarde hemos visitado un centro de primaria y secundaria en Yunis Ensari. Hemos visto las instalaciones y los recursos de los que disponen. Además, los niños nos han mostrado algunos de sus trabajos y nos han deleitado con unas audiciones musicales. Ha sido una jornada muy positiva.
Today we started by listening to a talk on the Turkish education system. We learnt about the two types of system that they have (formal and non-formal) education and their objectives. Next, we watched various typical dances from the region and were able to dance with the students.
In the afternoon, we visited a primary and secondary school in Yunis Ensari. We were shown around the building and were able to see the facilities that they have. In addition, the students presented some of their work and performed some musical pieces that they had rehearsed for us. The day was a really positive experience.